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31 August 2010

bangkok tales episode three: a dream come true

when we were planning our trip to Bangkok 5 months prior, one of my wishes was to ride, hold and feed an elephant. it came true on our second day in Bangkok! right after the floating market, we visited a place where we can ride an elephant for 30-40 minutes for only 600 Baht. our elephant's name was Nhuong Nuon and she's 25 years old. she's really sweet, kind and didn't give a fuss at all. she made the ride worth while because she kept stopping to pull out grass to eat and had to poo-poo 3 times! LOL. our elephant driver was really kind too as he got off Nhuong Nuon and volunteered to take photos of us while Nhuong Nuon followed him. i had the time of my life on that 30-minute ride!

we also dropped by Samphram Zoo to watch an elephant show --- which was equally fun as well as the elephants were sooo adorable! one young elephant wouldn't stop dancing, bouncing his head and wagging his right leg every time there's music. at the end of the show, the elephants lined up and we had the chance to feed them. of course, i immediately jumped at the chance too! other than the elephant show, we also fed a line (or bunch) of crocodiles with chicken meat and took a picture with two tigers! oh how i love animals!

the day ended with scrumptious and cheap thailand street food --- coconut and corn fried dumplings, sesame pork (my fave!) and grilled pork & fish balls. we also hung out across the nearby 7 eleven for a bottle of drinks -- bacardi for aimee and me and singha beer for the rest.

shopping post tomorrow --- 3 items for sale so do check it out!

Follow vanilla ice cream


julianne. said...

i cannot tell you how unbelievable jealous i am of you and that elelphant.
ammmazinggg pictures.<3

Unknown said...

Looks so fun! And I love the food pics:-)

Anonymous said...

Elephant ride! That elephant is really cute...

Kookie B. said...

oh that's so fun that you got to ride on the elephant. umm..did you see its large dingdong? ahahaha!

Thai food! Yum! Love the street food in Bangkok!

Marta said...

the last shot of you is absolutely stunning! love the photos! and i always wanted to go to school by an elephant, seriously!

Becca. said...

Love the holiday photos! looks like so much fun!

thankyou for the comment on my blog :)


OH MY GOD AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING. I went on Elephants in Thailand, too, and THEY ARE FAR TOO AMAZING. I love how big they are and how you can see their bone structure when they walk! Incredible!

AND I love the hair flip picture. Hair flips are my new faaaav.

Sybil said...

that is so cool!! i wish i can ride an elephant!! that's like so wicked! :D

Animated Confessions

Emily said...

omg! that looks like sooo much fun. very jealous. i would give anything to travel! how awesome. :) cute blog too!

the desert foxx said...

that picture with the hair is divine!!!

Sweet said...

You really had fun Gizelle, gaaahhh I have been here for a year and I have never tried going to this farm...someday if my schedule permits me...

I love elephants I go crazy if I see elephants on the streets at night...

they are so big and kind...

great photos love


pinky said...

Wow! Such a great experience!

And I love your hauls from the previous post! I'm envious!

I also browsed through your archives. Lovely blog! Added your link in my blog :))

Audrey Allure said...

I've always wanted to ride an elephant, looks so fun!

TwistedHalo said...

Nice pics! I love your hair, mine's curly as well. :) Kulots unite!

Unknown said...

WOW! I love elephant riding! :p I was on an elephant not too long ago at a Six Flags (theme park) and I realized that the only places that has elephants is Thailand or something. I jumped at the chance to sit on one in case I never go to Thailand :p

Jing Ocay said...

i miss you, Gizelle!you had so much fun jud!my boyfriend's bro pud went to Thailand last weekend.I regret I didn't grab the promo from cebupac.
i love your outfit,G!so comfy and pretty.beautiful people kaau mo. =)

Kara said...

OMG that is the coolest thing ever riding an elephant!! You pics keep getting better and better! what an awesome vacation! :)


Anonymous said...

elephants, tigers, alligators...and food...oh my! Looks like a fun time in Thailand, I wish I get to play with elephants too in the future :-)

I'm quite new to the blog-osphere and it's awesome to see stylish Filipino bloggers out there (like yourself). I was born in the Phil., but moved to the US; it's great seeing glimpses of our country through some of your posts :-)

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