just when i thought i had everything figured out, i wake up one morning with utter panic and pangs of confusion as i realize that i am completely lost. they say 27 is the age of confusion. i didn't realize it could be true or this hard. as of now, there's a 70% possibility of doing a complete 360 on my career. all my life i've always aimed at being streamlined, knowing what exactly i am doing and being able to strategically plan out my next steps. i grew up being the daughter that worked hard in making her parents proud but i'm afraid i've become a slight disappointment. as of now, i have this strong urge to just throw caution to the wind. spend my life savings. travel. bum at the beach. be careless. study fashion design. eat out. do nothing.
tomorrow this can change but life's been unpredictable and so are my feelings. i've been an hour late for work everyday for the past 3 weeks but i woke up early today and came in on time. so we'll see.
swallow-printed maxi skirt - thrifted
white tank top - random
black long cardigan - thrifted (& overused..haha!)
gold metallic ballet flats - bangkok find
oversized dream catcher necklace - gifted from Sweet
black grommeted belt - bangkok find
faux gold bangle - props

I love this look. The black cardigan's lovely. great for rainy season!
i love the skirt!! <3
i'm in love with that maxi skirt! :) and great thrift find! that cardigan is very versatile! :))
I love long skirts, although I can never pull them off but I love seeing the awesome designs which everyone comes up with.
I love the careless life. It's what I thrive for although I do still want to be a hard worker, get a good job with a good pay I think about freedom and it feels so relaxing whereas work is something that pins you down. Although I think, in the long run, I'd give up the carelss act for the career I really want.
But I wouldn't exactly know. I'm only 15. I'm still stuck in school so my feelings have a contrast with yours. So all I can say is Good luck with your life :)
When I saw the skirt, I said "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" even if I haven't read the book (therefore I have no idea what that name could mean) and am not sure if they're indeed seagulls.
If you decide to bum, spend, study, do nothing, eat out, etc., go lang ng go. :)
The Explosive Orange
I love this whole look!
Keep up the great work! Also, wanna follow each other? You know how it is starting a new blog :P
*sigh quarterlife crisis.. apir!
I love the cardigan and that necklace is awesome. =)
I love, love, love that skirt!!
Achieve your dreams!!! Do what youuuuuu want to do.
Goodness that skirt is beautiful. I love everything about it. The colour, print, and length are all perfect!
study fashion design -> i like this part, Gizelle! i love, love your maxi skirt!
Perfumed Red Shoes
I LOVE your bird skit!!!! They are so fun to wear! Gorgeous Necklace too =)
I wanna be careless for a while..bum in the beach... travel.. ohh i can totally relate!!
btw your skirt is lovely!!!
Welcome to my world. I'm 27 and feel the exact same way sometimes!!
But like everyone says, "don't worry. it'll work itself out!" :)
You look amazing and so pretty. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)
Have a lovely weekend.
i love bird prints, hehe, that skirt's amazing on you. :)
hope you figure things out!
good photos, visit my blog, can you follow me? :)
Do they really say that? 27 was an excellent year for me - I think I really started to come into my own.
I'm sure things will work out fine :)
super love the print on your maxi skirt! what a good find!!!
the pattern of the skirt is so gorgeous :)
Love your outfit!
I'm following your blog, I hope you FOLLOW mine, to win beautiful goodies in my giveaways <3: http://ladyfashionoui.blogspot.com/
Have a fashionable day
IT *
i guess most people go through that phase in their lives.. where they're in the state of confusion with what they want in life... i hope you'll find your purpose and find what really makes you happy! goodluck gizelle :)
Amazing look, love your skirt - such a cute outfit <3
i LOVE your skirt. and whatever youre going through right now, it too shall pass. :)
you look great! love the skirt.
i just came across your blog. i think its great. i hope you will come visit mine and maybe we can follow eachother!
i totally understand the feeling G! We all go through this kind of confusing phase at least once in our lives. No matter, i know you'd find your way eventually. whatever you decide to do...am a hundred and one percent sure you'd be great!!!
If you're planning on enrolling in a Fashion Design class/school, wait for me. LOL
Phil of
love your maxi skirt and necklace
WOW,lovely maxi skirt!!!You look great!
Loooove that skirt!
Followed :)
Awesome print on your maxi skirt! xx
as they say- it's just a phase...you'll figure things out soon! love your skirt!
What a pretty skirt and I love your hair so much! (hope it doesn't sound creepy!). I feel the same way about you too! It's just getting older and experiencing some life's disappointments has made me wish I could just escape somewhere no one can find me! But I'm trying not to pull a "Charlie Sheen", haha. Thank you for such a sweet comment by the way! xxxooo
cute skirt!
oh gosh, i'm a sucker for swallow birds and this skirt gets a thumbs up from me!
i love the print of your skirt and how you matched it with the necklace. honestly, you rock maxis!
I loooooove your skirt Gizelle! I saw a similar one here pero mas maganda skirt mo! :)
i like the pattern of your skirt
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