art deco black top - props | red multi-striped skirt - thrifted | cerulean blue belt - props | mustard platform shoes - centropell c/o zalora | faux ostrich red satchel - | bangles: red wooden bangle - bangkok find, brass bangles - downtown finds | rings: cross connector, leopard connector - downtown finds, orange howlite ring - dane's giveaway | peacock feather earrings - downtown find
another catch-up outfit post taken almost 2 months ago. i have 3 more to go until i'm up to date. *crossing fingers*
i scored these awesome platform shoes at i was at a bind because it came in orange, red and mustard and ultimately my decision had to be based on what color i'd most likely be able to pair with most of my clothes. mustard is definitely more of a classic subdued color. i have to admit the first time i wore these, i was limping on the way home. it needed breaking into -- the cross-straps needed adjustment to my chubby feet and the sole was a bit hard. i was ready to sell this pair or park it on my shelf solely as an eye candy. thankfully, i didn't find time to sell it because the second (and the third and fourth) time i wore it, it was already broken into and is now one of my favorite pairs. you could say, this pair is on the top shelf of my shoe rack.

Don't sell the shoes! It's the kind that you'd regret if you do. I was actually looking for something similar and you don't mind if we become twin shoesies? Haha!
Love your bag too. I've had those moments with some of my shoes too. Kailangan gyud siya i break in pero gamiton.
Love this! Cranberry is a great colo for your skin tone. And I am also under the belief that the more rings, the better. :)
Nice to read about your shoe story. :) YEah I got some of those moments too that I wanted to let go of the shoes. But later, I find value to it too. :)
Like your skirt! :)
Great look, love your rings
Thanks,for your comment on my blog.^^
Maybe follow each other???
thats too nice to sell, Gizelle! dili jud ko maka pull off mga in.ana nga skirt. suya ko! miss you!
hi gizelle, i'm glad your back to blogging again
Saw your pre-nup bts from dred's account. Really refreshing shoot, you're really pretty and blooming. Congratz in advance!
pretty skirt and bag.. :)
Irene Wibowo
love the fall colors! love ur shoesss
Ganahan ko.. Pero di na nko masud. :(
I think you made a good decision when you went with the mustard color. I think it's a very versatile and easy to match color. :)Lovely outfit.
Love your sandals, the skirt and the bag....the whole outfit is really cool!
Nice blog here, just found it and now following you =)
Hope you will visit my blog too and follow me back if you like it, I'll be happy to read your opinion about my posts! I've just published a post about my online fashion magazine...let me know what you think!
Last time by Ylenia Labate
Your shoes are so amazing, I love the colour of them and the height!
Carmen Ri.
I love the heels! Good buy. I have a shirt like that but in gray, I don't know why it doesn't suit me, but it looks great on you.
* Always, Stephanie
U look so cute!
From hats to heels
it's one of my favorites na jud Chy so i'm definitely not selling it. ❤ I don't mind at all if we become twin shoesies! great shoes should be shared...❤
i never thought this color to be cranberry...i now love how it sounds. thank you! and yes, the more rings the better indeed. ❤
i have trophy shoes actually -- the kind that you leave on your shelf because they're beautiful but not comfortable. Haha!
thank you! ❤
it's become my fave na jud Toni...hehe. i'm sure you can pull it off..kaw pa! when you're so waif...miss you too! you're looking lovely...can't wait to see the baby girl! ❤
Love the skirt with those heels! The colors go perfectly together :)
good thing you didn't sell it! it looks like a keeper!:) love it on your feet. :D
pretty skirt.
Love everything!!!! Expecially the skirt and acessories xoxo
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