striped top with a sequined pocket - bangkok find | lycra maxi skirt - primal rave wholesale | black wedges - shoe etiquette | oversized chain necklace - gifted by Eden | pink capiz cuffs - stolen from sister | skull ring & black stone ring - downtown finds | snake skin belt - primal rave wholesale
i landed a job in one of the companies in Cebu I.T. park right after i graduated, back when there were still three buildings standing there. i was 21 and naive then and didn't care too much about work but only thought about shopping and when i can finally meet a guy who will fall head over heels in love with me. the park became my home and walking its dark streets in the middle of the night with friends or dates was pretty much just normal to me. before jeepneys or buildings started popping out, walking the empty sidewalks was much needed for a breath of fresh air. the walks were filled with laughter and small-mindedness when accompanied with friends or music and stimulating conversations when accompanied with a date. one such date (and all other dates that followed) was with Harry.
we met on a Sunday night then got acquainted over lunch on a Monday. Tuesday breakfast followed and before we knew it, we were inseparable. so you see, i'm almost 28, have gone through a lot but still a little naive. i still think about shopping, especially over shoes and continue to think about the day that i finally met that guy who fell head over heels in love with me. ♥

you have beautiful memories of IT Park, Gizelle. i, on the hand, both have fun and horrible ones. i know you what those horrible memories are. haha!
i love the necklace! and you always pull off maxi skirts/dresses so well. suya ko!
btw, are we pushing through with our ukay date? :D
Wow!!My heart melted after reading your post! Ayyyeee!! It's so nice to be inlove!! ;)
Anyway, I agree with Toni! Nobody can pull off maxi skirts like you do!! ;)
Hello ex-officemate!Haha Yap, remember when you asked us (karen me and gail) na why wala paka kauyab og balik? Then I told you that you're a smartass and every guy gets intimidated by you. And you laughed coz most of your friends said the same thing? haha I think si Harry ang brave enough and wala ma intimidate nimo. haha But look at now, murag sa natong 4 ikaw nag nauna og minyo. Happy for you pay. Stay inlove. More love posts oi especially mga tips. :)
Love you skirt and bangle!! :D
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Thank you! :)
Awwwwwwwwwwww your love!!!!!
That was a beautiful story to read, love your skirt and shoes.
awwwww, adto nia sad kos IT park magtambay basin makakita pud kog akong 'Harry'!
that ring is AMAZINg
valentines day mood eh? hehe
btw, i'm with you on the "still three buildings standing there" - now the place looks like its about to become a mini Makati!
and i love the outfit Gizelle, very easy-breezy!
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