this was your signature pose, darleng and i sincerely pray you get just that -- peace.
though we're still all recovering from the shock and disbelief but it is indeed too soon to be associating you with the word "was." well death, they say, is always on time and that we should accept it. for now, all we can do is remember not your death but the life you lived.
i have to admit, i wasn't always your biggest fan. the relationship you had with my sister was, for the lack of a better word, confusing but it made perfect sense to the both of you. over the last 2 years, i have seen my sister mature and learn to be independent. she has grown up to be kinder, more considerate and level-headed and it wouldn't have happened if not for you. i have seen her sincerely and inexplicably in love. my sister has learned what it is to truly love without inhibitions, without conditions. for that, darleng, i thank you with all my heart. you changed her life and in turn, you changed ours. you will forever be missed. we love you!
to my readers, who have been patient enough to hang on after 2 weeks of being MIA, thank you. my family went through a shocking and tragic ordeal on the morning of Sinulog and we needed time to recover from the grief. my sister needs all the support so for now, i am a sister first, a wife second and a blogger third. as always, thank you for your support. life is a gift from God and we should cherish it everyday.

sorry to hear about this. be strong for your sister, family comes first! and your blogger sisters are here to support you! :)
Loss is inevitable. I hope your sister can recover quick. This is just so sad :( i will surely pray for you before i go to bed tonight -.-
there are a lot of things i wanna say to at least send you the comfort you and your family needs...but the words ain't seem enough. So here's from me to you....*hugs*
moy's friend was a classmate of him in sacred heart, pay. and he was also shocked when he heard about it. again, i'm sorry for your sister's loss and your whole family as well. :(
I don't know what has happened honey but I hope you and your family and your sister are ok.
Sending you all my love and prayers.
this is just heartbreaking, gizelle. my thoughts and prayers go out to aimee and to rest of the family.
Sorry to hear about prayers go out to Aimee and to rest of the family.
i am sorry for your loss. it's always not easy to deal things like this but we're here for you, gizelle. *virtual hug
sorry for your loss...
sending all my prayer to darleng, you and family.
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