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03 June 2011

style blog journey: why i still do it

why do i blog? why did a start blogging? why am i still doing this after 19 months?

why i started my own style blog. i was enthralled by Karla de Rass of Karla's Closet and Rumi Neely of Fashion Toast that i checked their blogs every day. i soon found other amazing bloggers like Tieka of Selective Potential, Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky, Alice of Alice Point and Alice Xue of AliceX in Wonderland that my bookmark list was filled to the brim. i'd count the hours at work so i can go home and sit once again in front of another computer and blog hop. it was my escape. it felt really surreal to me checking ladies with real personal fashion, taking themselves out their and making a statement with the way they dress. soon after, i found local bloggers, Denise of Denise Katipunera and Dane of Trust Me It's Paradise and i ultimately made the decision to start my own. i thought, if i spend 30 minutes to an hour a day just deciding on and composing my outfit, might as well document it right?

how i started. it would be hypocritical of me to say that i didn't dream of getting recognized and getting my name out there when i first started. most of us belonged to the MTV generation and ultimately grew up with reality TV that it's hard to deny that we want to become famous and rich one day. be honest, didn't you dream of the same thing as a kid? i was adamant about getting more hits to my site that i spent hours visiting other blogs, even ones i couldn't relate to and signed up for other social networking sites like weardrobe, chictopia, bloglovin, etc. to get more exposure. blogging soon became a chore. although i thoroughly enjoy posting my outfits but i became pressured at making a good post that people can relate to. ranking numbers started to frustrate me. blogging became something i had to do and not something i do when i wanted to. 

what i realized along the way. i took a step back and reminded myself why i started blogging in the first place --- because i love fashion. because i am an advocate of personal style over trends. my blog is simple and has little fuss. what i gained along the way is something i never thought i'd have more of if i didn't start blogging: amazing new friends and a readership following of real people.

people ask me if i want to become a model because i style blog. no. not at all. i have given up that aspiration  15 years ago when i didn't go past my 5'2" height contrary to my parents' belief (because my sister is 5'7"). i do aspire to be a fashion stylist though but i know that's something i have to work towards to and not through blogging.

so you see, fashion blogging is not about the fame and fortune nor is it about getting free stuff or invites to exclusive events or parties. if they do come, then i consider it a blessing. it's not even about buying the most expensive piece of clothing because it's what is on trend. it's about being real and expressing our passion for fashion through our personal style. 

ruched cotton top - thrifted
grey crocheted cardigan - mom's closet (thrifted)
black leggings - random
grey flats with embellishments - bangkok find
cutout pewter cuff -
skull ring | layered necklace - carbon finds
boater hat - bangkok find

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Mary Ann said...

very well said G! ^^

Anonymous said...

I love it

Very, very well said - do what you love and don't let it become a chore, it's easy for that to happen though.

Anonymous said...

You're an inspiration, Ti!

Phil of

Nikki Abella said...

This is a very inspiring blog entry! Keep on blogging dear! more powers to you and to your blog! :)


Unknown said...

Pay, i love it. Nuff said ;p

00000 said...

it's about BEING REAL and expressing our passion for fashion through our personal style. --SUPER AGREE!

Interesting and well written post, Gizelle! I enjoy your blog because of your writing style, fashion sense and the creativity behind your outfits. Keep blogging! :)

Lee of [Caffeinated Epiphanies]

Unknown said...

you're one of my favorite girl. I still remember the emails we had years ago. You had me at hello.

i hate ranking. i hate hypes. Don't want screaming fan, but a friend.

cherry arceo said...

this is inspiring, and refreshing. i love your take on blogging and i totally agree with you. Ienjoy reading posts that go beyond the clothes, and shoes, and bags, etc. more. Keep blogging dear! :)

PS. totally love the details on your flats!

roanjean said...

You're one of the reasons why I ruminated and eventually decided to put out thrifted outfit posts on my blog. :)

The Explosive Orange

Alex said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I think that the people who set out blogging just for the perks they can get from it don't have their heart in the right place and it soon starts to show. You always seem so true to yourself, and so very, very stylish.

Gessyl said...

very well said! :)

Reg Rodriguez said...

nicely said, gizelle! i really admire you for opening up like this :)


YOU LOOK FABULOUS. Love your boho style. The texture of your shirt looks fabulous.

And I 100% agree with you. Blogging is about authenticity - staying true to your style, thoughts, etc. I find a lot of blogs can come across as boring because they're trying to appeal to masses. Blechhh.

Keep doin' what you're doin'!

Gillian Uang said...

" it's not even about buying the most expensive piece of clothing because it's what is on trend " -- Amen to that! :) More power Gizelle!

Lisa said...

I couldn't agree more :)

A Fictional Blog

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous!
Blogging such an interesting hobby anyways. I do feel it too!

Sassy said...

I love your hat :D
If you like my blog, you follow me.
I'll follow you too :)

Alla moda e con stile

Fashion Cappuccino said...

You write beautifully about why you blog and I feel the same way too! Blogging can feel like you're competing against millions of other girls who want the same thing as you do but it's important to remember that you life and your health is more important. I love your look! xoxoxoo

cryskay said...

your flats are to die for! xx

Archer said...

nice post!

Chicca said...

WOW,your flats are absolutely amazing!!!

Audrey Allure said...

I definitely agree :) I also started blogging to express my thoughts & opinions. For not just fashion but for our own personal interests & likes as well!

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