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27 February 2010

let go of high school already!


one supervisor for 40 agents is just plain crazy. 
i feel like this has been the longest 2 days of my life.

i wish that people in their 20's would already let go of high school. stop with the gossiping, stop with the talking behind people's backs and most of all, stop with the bullying. snide remarks, raising of the eyebrows and rolling of the eyes is all too pubescent and it's stupid. i am here to manage professionals and not be a high school guidance counselor. just start doing your jobs. the last i heard, people who constantly look at other people's work and not their own can never be successful.

there. i'm sorry. just had to rant (yet again). thanks for letting me. now i can move on to my weekend.

i have great things to look forward to this weekend. dinner with old co-workers for the promotion of a former manager. my 1st monthsary with harry -- by the time we roll over a year, we start counting back to 1 month (just to spice things up and feel like a couple in their honeymoon stage again...LOL). a night of blogging and catching up on your blogs (yes, YOU!) and thrifting with my mom and sister on monday morning. (yey!)

hope everyone has a great weekend! 
thanks for the lovely comments on my previous post. 
i'm seeing that i already have 91 followers since i turned this personal blog into 
a fashion & lifestyle blog last november 2009. 
with that, i might (99.99% chance) do a 100th follower give-away!
clue: it's going to be a few of my favorite things. *wink*

ruffled top - thrifted
white shorts (yes, i did wear one) - props
white studded sandals - a gift from lil' sis
vintage suede bag - from bangkok
long watch necklace - hk gift shop
sunnies - thrifted at carbon

Follow vanilla ice cream


Lauretha Sudjono said...

such a lovely dress.. with vintage touch. i love it!

Tuesdai Noelle said...

Hey Gizelle :)

That dress is pretty. Due to the snow storm, I've been basically trapped, so what I would normally do has been postponed for now. COngrads on your 91 followers :)

btw, I AGREED...grown folks should leave the childish behaviors and igorant remakes back in their teen days. It's just shamefully redundant. Just igore silly them. Every enemy needs fuel to strive, I say don't give people that much.

Have a nice weekend!

Tuesdai Noelle said...

Reprise: needs fuel to survive.

Jen Hsieh said...

awww you are so darling in this dress! i'm pretty sure that belt was made just to wear with this dress. :)
and that's so sweet how you guys celebrate your 1 month after a year has passed just to keep it exciting and new :) can't wait to see what your giveaway is!!!

Sara Bow said...

you look awesome !!

great outfit =)

i'm gonna b your new follower !



wonderful top and belt !

Marta said...

adults often behave worse than kids... so sad.

you look marvellous - i like the dress and belt very much!

Marjolein said...

Lovely outfit!
I'm following you, nice blog!


Ohmy, the belt. I love it! Cute dress too.
People can be so obnoxious & immature.
& Aww, monthsary. That's aodrable (:

xx, Melissa

Hillary said...

I am so crazy about your sense of style! Everything about this outfit is fantastically good!

Audrey Allure said...

I love the detailing of that belt! Beautiful :)

vanessa east said...

i hear you, gwaps.. some people just carry with them their pubescent selves right into the workplace..

i love your dress!!!
have a great weekend!


Molly said...

holy crud look at that belt. love it! such a good look fierce girrrrl

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

LOL..the belt is actually part of the top! :D i think this is a top cuz it's too short to be dress...hehehe.

thanks everyone for the sweet comments!

Aney Mei said...

Oh, I absolutely love this - the detail on the belt is gorgeous.

I hope your landowner will let you repaint!! :P

Analisa said...

I love your dress and the belt on it gives it a really nice vintage touch!

(always)alanna said...

that dress is absolutely to die for- you look gorgeous girl!
adore your blog- will be back soon!


I'm so envious that you can wear a dress without tights. The weather here = horrid, so I'm so jealous of your summery and adorable-ness.

And don't worry, ranting is what blogs are for. ;) Gossip is so irritating. I hate it. Can't wait to be done high school, hah.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Dorothy Souhuwat said...

beautifull it..
It's Java's event #javamusikindo

dred said...

the blouse with the belt detail is to-die-for!!!

Mona said...

such a cute outfit, love the dress and the belt!
think you have a great blog! look at my blog, if you want :) maybe we can follow each other? :)

xx mona

Leah said...

The dress is so pretty Gizelle... and you styled it so well. Love the belt too. xoxo

Anonymous said...

you looks really sweet nice outfit

Anonymous said...

Loving that belt.

StuddedLilly said...

yay to giveaway! and YAYY for ranting..who doesn't rant from time to time ;)
and love the belt and jealous that you're wearing summer still strangled by my chunky scarf lol


Sasha B. said...

i agree with you completely on that one. I loveee your dress. Very dainty :)

Nubia Mejia said...

Love the dress it so pretty... And congrats on your followers sweety

guildedsecret. said...

aw! thanks for your sweet comment about me being in my early twenties! you are NOT AT ALL too old to be going out at 25, hahah! ... so sorry to hear about your work drama... that is absolutely infuriating. sometimes you want to shake some sense into people :)

anyways... you look effortlessly cool in your shades and pastel dress... love the distressed details and intricate belt!


t said...

That's a cute little top. :)

- T.

Krislyn said...

i want that belt!

Elaine said...

You look fabulous!!! I love the nude dress with the intricately crocheted belt.

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