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14 January 2010

braving the blue


i had asked for these blue tights of Leg Love by Kate Torralba from my manito (Secret Santa) for Christmas...and luckily, he found it. and now, when i think about it, it is such a bold shade of blue. an eye-catcher you might say. i wore this once with dotted tights over them (here!) and they looked subtle then -- and that was for a vudu party.

so...i gathered all my courage and decided to wear them for work as i also needed a boost of confidence from the effects of work blunders last Tuesday. people stared. people were shocked and nearly dropped their jaws...i even had one agent ask me why i'm wearing such blue tights. and it kept me smirking the whole time because some people looked so funny trying not to stare in the elevator (in such a small space!)... nevertheless, i loved wearing these tights. despite everything, i stood out and i was myself again. who cares if they can't understand.

i want to talk some more but my puppy is on my lap and has his head on my right arm. he gets mad when i type too loudly..haha!

printed top - thrifted
 black jacket - thrifted
blue tights - Leg Love by Kate Torralba
black flats with bow tie - leaveland
rings - props
bangle - props


Dirty Hair Halo said...

I say wear them again. They're gonna have to get used to it. They're too cute not to.

Anonymous said...

the tights complete your outfit perfectly :)

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love your pretty printed tunic!! It looks so great with your blue tights!! xoxoxoxo

Sonya said...

I love all the colors, so cute!


I adore your blue thights and your printed top!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharina said...

Oh hi! Thank you for dropping by my site and leaving nice comments!

Adorable blue tights! :) And the blazer too!


Noelle Chantal said...

i don't see anything wrong wearing blue tights to work. you wore them really well. its fun but not too quirky. you look great in this outfit! love the print of the dress too. :)

hope you had a wonderful day!

Audrey Allure said...

great print dress!

and i'd love to trade links with you too, already added you to my blogroll! :)

Dane said...

Ah, love the color! Do you work at a call center? I used to work at one in Cebu, but didnt last for long, my ADD wouldnt allow it, haha. The tights are perfect considering its been really breezy in Cebu.. I was freezing today waiting for a cab.

Ariyani Sukma said...

I really really love you style, your blog inspiring me so much!!
U look so stunning,
Love it!
thank u to visit and leave comment to my blog :)

Please visit n check my blog again :)
Kiss kiss arin*

M.rolez said...

wow Love your pants !! you have style ;)


M.rolez said...

wow Love your pants !! you have style ;)


anna bu said...

great colors! very nice outfit!

Aimee said...

me likey the blue tights :)


love this color of blue!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! This outfit is absolutely fabulous!! I love the whole color combination: blue, black, and a patterned dress. You look gorgeous!

kate maggie said...

amazing mix and matching. you look great!

Leah said...

Don't mind them Gizelle... the tights looked great on you.

Vinda Sonata said...

hi gizelle, that outfit suits you really well. you look good in colors, which i envy, because i don't look that good in colors ;)
love your tights and the mixing of the patterns.

sure, let's exchange links dear. i'll now list your blog in my 'cool blogs' list. check it out :)

vitaMinn style said...

funny! let them stare! mediocrity is boring, bold is beautiful! =)

nice blog. you have such a unique sense of style.

Closet Full of Nothing said...

Love the blue tights & printed top.. they're adorable together!



Jess said...

i love the blue tights and yes, who cares what others think! you look fab :)

Moomby said...

i love your outfit! just keep dressing the way you like and soon enough, your coworkers will stop acting so shocked.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Love your blue tights!

Anonymous said...

wear them again, G! who cares if they make a snide remark about it. as long as you feel good wearing them, then by all means, flaunt 'em!

btw, you going to the Embassy party tonight? ;)

The F Word Online said...

hahah i second the big men comment.

i love how almost this entire outfit is thrifted. thrift stores are such a goldmine !

xx lue

Unknown said...

that's the blue i like.
have a great weekend pretty lady.

I am Denise Katipunera

Ariyani Sukma said...

hello gizelle uve asked me about link exchange, of course
ive linked ur blog to mine :)
dont forget to link me back

chek it

by the way u told me u following me, but icant found ur blog in my follower list huhuhu
anyway thank you for visit my blog
keep bloging gizelle :)

keep in touch
kiss kiss arin*

Nina said...

I'm weak for tights, Gizelle! They're just so fun! Suits you!

LesMod'Amour said...

You get the sun when I get the snow that is sooo unfair.
Anyway, love the tights !

cocorosa said...

you look gorgeous!!! <3 <3

Unknown said...

i love the blue effect. the dress really got me ;)

Unknown said...

love the tights Gizelle. Forgive them for being so ignorant with fashion. teach them gir!=)


S.Elisabeth said...

Aw your puppy is adorable =) And ha I love those tights, screw what others say!

And ha I would never be that mean on a comment!! =)

Orchid Grey said...

beautiful tights, you stand out in the best way possible!

S.Elisabeth said...

I'm such a bookworm too!
The author of Empire Falls is Richard Russo; it's SUCH a good book. It's a bit slow in the beginning, good but slow moving, and then it begins to pick up pace, and the last 100 pages are just like "Whoa."
And I have read Wicked, but I haven't read the other two books. I read it in eighth grade, so some of certain areas confused me, but perhaps I'll give it a try again now that I'm older and can probably understand better!

guildedsecret. said...

i have a pair of blue tights just like that... i wear them all the time too! no worries - you look fabulous. love the pattern of your dress as well.


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