if you have a sister or in my case, sisters then you would know what i mean about borrowing policies. i have 3 closets because i have two sisters --- charm, who is older than me by 8 years and aimee, who is younger than me by 2 years. we get to borrow clothes, bags and accessories except jeans and shoes because we each have different sizes -- charm is 5'7" so her jeans are too long for me, her shoe size is 39 which is too big for me as i am a 37 and aimee is a size 0 (yes, she's a zero..is that even a size?LOL) so her jeans will not fit me at all, her shoe size is a 35 or 36 which is too small for me. our clothes go on rotation. it's like shopping everyday as we get to visit each other's closets. but there are rules -- rather strict rules with borrowing stuff:
- first dibs always goes to the owner --- meaning, the clothes you borrow should have already been worn by the owner
- always take care of the stuff you borrow -- no stains, no scratches, no tears.
- the clothes or stuff have to be returned to the original place we found them -- or at least, it has to make an appearance in the owner's room or closet once a week.
aimee is a bit harder to borrow clothes from because she's always possessive and hardly wears her clothes because she wears a uniform to work. i sometimes ban her from our thrifting trips and disregard any thoughtfulness we have when we see clothes she might like when my mom and i are out thrifting because she has too many stuff she hasn't worn yet. so now i am patiently waiting for her to wear the striped dress she bought a month ago, this studded, leopard print off shoulder top, a military jacket (that i might secretly wear to work when she's asleep...LOL) and this pale blue plaid chiffon dress. last week, i insisted on wearing her grey apron-like top to work and she allowed me to (which is a miracle!) but here's the catch, i cannot take photos of it...haha!
ps. my mom's the easiest to borrow clothes from and she has lots of boho tops that i wear all the time. her closet is my favorite. *wink*
how about you, do you have 'borrowing policies' with your sister/s? how about with your mom or roommate?
striped top - random
black and white floral skirt with cutouts - lil' sister's (yey!)
black blazer - thrifted
braided belt - props
silver cuffs - thrifted at carbon

I'm the same way with my sister. Lovely skirt!!!!
Cheers, Jesa
hi! i have three sisters and have the same policies too, especially the one in which the owner should be the one to wear it first. but they're in the states now, we just send each other clothes haha.
cute skirt!
wow really nice skirt.perfect white and black
i adore your curly hair :)
nice skirt
Wow I love that skirt! And I am a sucker for stripes so I'm loving the combo!
Just reading your borrowing policies makes me realize I don't have borrowing rules as so much as taking! ah! haha I blame it on being the youngest and apparently feeling entitled. I definitely borrow a lot of make-up and beauty products from my sister which are now more than ever starting to be returned but I usually ask now! haha I am learning to be a better sister, especially now I see the error of my borrowing ways!
Aw, I feel the sisterly love :D I wish I had a sister! My mom and I swap clothes sometimes. She'll keep it for awhile or I'll keep hers for awhile since we live in the opposite parts of the state (it's a 6 hr car commute :p)
It's great that you can interest to this outfit without needing any color. The skirt does it all.
ooh lala! I like your outfit!great color and pattern combination! so chic! I would probably be inspired to wear that kind of style :)
Simone's Closet
Gizelle! Hahaha! I would like to share my case :) I have 3 closets like yours too. Mine, my sister's and my brother! Haha. I borrow a lot of my bro's loose statement shirts (hilarious ones) and plaid polos and stuff. :)
I find it easier to borrow from mom and bro too than bigger sis (6 year gap).
Nice outfit. Surely you never go wrong with black and white. It is timeless and eternal. :)
Style and Soul
i can totally relate. but my sister is evil hahaha! her feet is size 37 but before she usually buys half a size bigger than her actual size so i can always borrow her purchases (i'm 37 1/2 - 38) . but currently, she tends to buy her actual size coz she gets jealous when i borrow her shoes! hahahaha but she can always borrow mine even if i have not worn them yet, coz i am a loving and considerate sister like that.:) except, she can't photograph them and post them in facebook. hahahaha
i love your skirt so much! :)
oh I wish I had a sister to borrow clothes from!! thats like having two closets to choose from hehe. You look so chic in this outfit. The cutout details on the skirt is amazing!
btw, in response to your comment, I've heard that vietnam has beautiful scenery and that got me interested to travel there. It was a pretty spur of the moment decision, but I'm so glad I did it :) I hope you travel there one day, you'll not regret it!
You look fabulous! I love the skirt and the black and white.
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
having a younger sister, i do giver her some of my clothes, but she mainly passes them to me! it's like i'm the younger sister - i get everyone's clothes. from my mother to my cousins i'm always receiving...
great post! your skirt is adorable by the way!
lovely outfit Gizelle...I wish i can borrow stuff from my sister but she is miles away from me.
Before in the Philippines I usually borrow stuff from my mom's closet...we have the same size M to L when it comes to pants and dresses...plus great thing is...if I love her shoes and bags I can borrow it as well...I love my mom's designers bag hehehehe!!!!
take care
much love,
Love the combination of stripes and flowers, really pretty. My sister steals all my clothes...not so much a borrowing policy, more like robbery.haha.:)SarahD
Haha, one of my friends used to borrow my clothes all the time - I would have to always nag her to return them. But now she doesn't since she can't fit into any of my clothes anymore. My sisters would definitely let me borrow, but they're way too big for me lol.
Ohhh nice outfit lady!
Looks very good on you :)
x Robine
I truly adore your skirt :)
You're so lucky. I wish i had at least one sis. Anyways, love the skirt.Great blog.
wow love this post! just like every
other! LOVE your bloggg so much!
Such an inspirartion! Definitely
bookmarking you, hope you can stop
by mine sometime :)
You look so cute, the skirt make the outfit something special. I wish I had sisters to share clothes with. Thank you so much for the comment on my blog lady.
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beautifull skirt
i want it badly..
omg in love with your skirt. loved it! i want your closet.
that skirt is so nice! i love the details!
i have two sister but my younger sister is still 8 years-old. i agree with your rules. me and my sister usually do the same too, expect shoes. but sometimes her clothes are too big for me, and my clothes are too small for me. we usually borrow each other's accessories
by the way i like your blazer
thanks for your comment
check out my latest post
wow, there really are a lot of awesome Cebu bloggers! i'm from Manila, but both my parents are Cebuanos, which technically makes me one as well, i guess. haha.
my older sister used to borrow a lot from me. we don't have rules or anything. it's pretty much just steal whatever you want, which can be pretty annoying when i'm looking for a particular item but i find out she's already wearing it. ugh. but she's abroad now, so i have my clothes (& the ones of hers she left here) all to myself. muahaha!
i loooove your skirt, btw! and will follow you back, but on Bloglovin. :)
boat ride through the sky
i just have one sis (and we have different sizes) and my mom´s in london so i don´t have anyone to borrow clothes from. i find that secretly good because like your sis i get too possesive of my things. as you wrote that you weren´t allowed to take a photo of the top, i was thinking to myself, oh my god. that´s so me. ;)
but shoes we shared. we all have the same sizes.
I wish I had a sister. But my mom and I borrow clothes from each other sometimes. Not often anymore now that I'm living on my own.
Cute outfit! I like the skirt.
Your skirt is just perfection! Love it.
I give all my old clothes to my sister. I'm not much of a borrower really... I do love lending things though! I lived with two girls last year and we all had big feet - it was great! So many shoes! :) x
i love this outfit so beyond anything.<3
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