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22 January 2010

hush now


this is me trying to be quiet since my sister is sleeping. i'm on her bed as it is near the window (better light, better pictures). she got mad at me for this because i eventually woke her up...haha! and yes, at 25 i still share a room with my sister. here in our country, it is not necessary to move out of the house after turning 18. we stay with our parents yet we do pay the bills..hehe. they took care of us and bore with our craziness, so it's our time to take care of them. of course, i'll soon get married and have a home of my own but i'll always stay close. i am one those lucky people who not only are close to their parents, but we share a real friendship too.

i had to make do with a shoot inside our room as i was too lazy to find a good spot outside or ask our 'manang' (our house maid who has been with us for 10 years -- i love her so!) to take a photo of me..i just got home from a 4-hour OT at work because we had to close a lot of work queues. it was the least i can do to support my team as they have been working their asses off. i hope we get through this week. so far, this has been the longest week ever..and i can't wait for the weekend!

printed top - props
black blazer - thrifted
jeans - chillypapa
black studded flats - mongkok ladies market, hk
long chained watch - hk souvenir shop
dog tags - custom-made
ring - props

Follow vanilla ice cream


Isabeau Jane said...

ur flops are so cool.. where did you have ur dogtags made?

The ViXeN's LaiR

Leah said...

I love your shoes and the dog tags.

Ariyani Sukma said...

loveeee ur flat shoes,
anyway sorry for mylate comment but i love ur boots at a view days ago
u can follow my blog from bloglovin :)
thank u for leave comment/visit/follow my blogkiss kiss
and ill follow u back love ur blog so much!

Anonymous said...

Oooo. Awesomeful pictures. :)
Lovee, Malou.

Jing Ocay said...

hello! maayong gabii!hehe.
im glad i found another pinay fashion blogger. i love your style and blog.and i adore your thrifted items.ako man pud gud ukayera.hehe.i assume you speak bisaya 'coz u're from cebu? hehe

i love your shoes and blazer in this post. :)

Nathalie said...

those flats are so wonderful. And it is nice you have such a close relationship. This is so important

Unknown said...

I love the blazer

funny you mentioned parents...

was sent to college in Manila, so am living on my own but i had to go back to Bataan for weekends. Or else no allowance. hihihi. Then on 2001 my mom and brother migrated to States so that's it am gonna be living on my own forever. So basically since 17 ive been "independent", like cooking, laundry, no curfew.

And now whenever my parents come back here for vacation and stay here for months they live with me. And they won't leave me alone even for a minute. They say it's not too late to play parents since we're apart half of my life.

Well i miss them. They'll visit again this year. And i can't wait to have my parents nag about my sleeping and eating habits once more. hihihi. Gosh i miss them.

Parents are the best.

I am Denise Katipunera

Anonymous said...

oh Gizelle, i love your flats! they're divine!
i want dog tags! haha ;D
ako pud, i still share a room with my kid sister and we argue often. she almost always doesn't keep her side of the room tidy :s or maybe am just too much of a neat freak! haha!

cocorosa said...

loveeeee these!!! love love love the shoes :) :)

Marla Singer said...

holy shit! the shoes are sick <3333

Jen Hsieh said...

haha i laughed when you said you were taking pictures near your sleeping sister :P you look so lovely and sophisticated in that blazer though, and that red patterned tank is just perfect with it. :)
that's pretty amazing having a real friendship with your parents.

Fashion Cappuccino said...

OMG! Amazing flats!! You have such an adorable smile! xoxoxoxo

Jess said...

adorable flats :) and yes happy weekend!!

Jen said...

Love the mix of floral cuteness and rock girl toughness - so gorgeous.

Charmalade said...

I'm so envious that you could just wear a sleeveless top with a blazer this season! I need to move to a place nearer to the equator...

I always love red+black+white, very cute! and thanks for your comment on my blog, paper plate slippers are always funny. :) I'll be sure to look around yours!


You look fantastic! I love the summery print of your shirt - and then how you paired it with that blazer. Adorable, as per usual!

And props for sharing a room with your sister. My sister and I would probably claw each others eyes off at some point ;)

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Kassondra DeBoer said...

This whole outfit is very chic and sophisticated! I love it...

I always admired the closeness of families here in the Philippines. It is important to have a good relationship with parents and siblings!

Ash Fox said...

Love the dog tags. It's so cute how you call you comments.."scoops"

fadetoblack said...

shoes are adorable!

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