i feel bad for having been a terrible blogger the past few days. i've failed to get back on your comments and post new outfit shots too. the goal when i started this blog more than a year a go was not just to share my personal style but also to connect with other stylistas in the world. of course, i've achieved that having met amazing people over time but communication is a two-way street and i wouldn't want to be the one to start disconnecting.
but aside from being busy with my day job and with my shop (www.shopyapi.com), i've been sick -- again! i feel like the most incompetent employee right now because i've missed two days of work. my herniated disc is acting up again, causing pain on my neck and head. i can't support my head for too long without leaning on the chair or lying down. two weeks ago, i experienced terrible stomach pains due to something i ate and with succeeding illnesses i've gotten, my mom commented that she feels like she's taking care of an old lady. AN OLD LADY? oh my. i look back over the 26 years of my life and realized that i have abused my body severely over the years -- since high school, i've only had an average of 4-5 hours of sleep everyday then there's heavy drinking in college, working and going to school a year before graduation, working night shifts for 5 years while playing flag football every weekend then drinking till dawn every after practice or game. i've pushed myself to the limits and this is what i get. a seemingly strong and muscular body on the outside but so fragile on the inside.
i may sound like an old lady when i say this but WE SHOULD ALL TAKE BETTER CARE OF OURSELVES. seriously. ♥
take care everyone! have a great weekend!
sheer printed chiffon skirt - thrifted
white tank top - random
peach cardigan - mom's closet
beige suede wedges - gold dot
yellow braided belt - shopyapi.com
angel wings necklace - carbon find

You look so beautiful.
I think this is my most favourite outfit I've ever seen you in.
Hope you feel better soon honey.
hope you feel better soon gizelle. :)
i'm loving that skirt dear. :)
I remember you telling me to take care of my health...and not it's my time to tell you to take care of your health as well...cheers to our old lifestyle hahahaha!!! regrets regrets....but still its not yet too late to save a couple of years in our life span babe...
i love love love your outfit especially the skirt! :) i agree, i think it's time we take better care of our health coz being young and all, feeling natin kaya natin lahat but hindi pala kaya ng body. :/ my mom always tells me that and recently lang ako naniwala. anyway! here's to a better and healthier lifestyle! ;)
you look great!!! love the outfit
oh get well gizelle. i love your skirt. you're always oh so pretty with long skirts.
get well soon gizelle! oh please! you're not a terrible blogger!
Melai of Style and Soul
Get well soon! loving that skirt btw. :)
i hope you'll get better soon. i love your delicate and sweet look here :)
feel better soon! and i love the skirt :)
herniated disc is the worst...get well G, and don't worry about a thing about missing out on your blogging routine. We all gotta have our downtimes from blogging sometimes. :)
I've been meaning to comment on a few of your later posts but my internet was being a bully so here is:
I am so jealous, you have you're own fashion shop! Although I wouldn't know the next thing about fashion: I want it!!
And here is my 'today' comment:
I've actually done that too, my internet murdered itself and I've failed to get back on everyone's comments and post something new (it's also pure I-forgot-to-put-the-posts-on-my-thumbdrive-and-I'm-too-lazy-to-do-so ness, but lets ignore that..)
I do hope you feel bettr, being sick is the worst feeling. I'm usually sick (with a cold) so I've been trying to excercise and eat healthy. Maybe you should try that, except don't go so hard this time!
I had that feeling of invincibility when I was young to0. Now I suffer from bronchitis and joint pains at 25! We should take better care of our bodies.
you couldn't have said it any better...taking care of our body at a young age certainly goes along way.
here's to healthy living :)
i'm glad to hear you're feeling better now!
eclectic du jour
i hope you feel better! don't worry, we all have our "off" blogger days! :)
good luck with the shop!!
Ditto! Hope you feel better! You look pretty in your photos! Your outfit is so perfect for summer :)
get well soon. :)
sa panahon ngayon, bawal at mahal magkasakit.
thanks for dropping by my blog.
Awwww I hope you'll feel better really soon. :)
Love that cardigan.♥
i just realized that you're from cebu too. definitely following. :)
i love love your pink cardigan! pretty outfit! ;)
Lovely style and nice blog! And awe... take care about yourself! Health is precious these days!
Hugs and kisses from Australia:)
Marusya V
Love your skirt. It's a lovely pattern and I'm a huge fan of see through long skirts.
Collections & Shopbop Giveaway
My husband has a herniated disc in his back too :( It doesn't act up as often anymore but it's hard to see him in pain. I hope you're feeling better!
I have been behind in blogging/blog-reading lately too. Trying to catch up :)
A Fictional Blog
It's cool you realized that while you are still relatively young (and no an actual old lady. heheh.) I think I'm the same way. I seem strong outside but my insides could definitely use more exercise.
Resolution for the year!
Bea from A plus B
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