bird-printed top with ruffled back detail - primal rave | black electro-pleated midi-skirt - thrifted | cobalt blue wedge sandals - gifted by Aimee | blue with yellow and peach accent satchel - primal rave | black wide-brimmed hat - cotton on | necklaces - downtown finds | rings: multi-colored bird - bangkok find, gifted by mom, turquoise connector - downtown find | cutout cuff - downtown find | studded green belt - primal rave
i've been feeling rather inspired and weirdly optimistic lately. my friend and i are starting a passion project and we couldn't be any more excited about it. take out the fact that we're both giddy type of people and you'll still find us overly excited. unlike 2 years ago when i ventured on a project because i thought it was what i was passionate about, this one feels different. it's not forced. it's not frustrating. it just feels natural and true. i pray this is it. will definitely tell you guys more -- soon! ♥
and ooh, here's a sneak peak of my accidental obsession. my dad built this shelf for me -- which was so sweet of him (or maybe because him and my mom could no longer stand my shoes strewn across the floor). i bought these shoes with my own hard-earned money from work and these pairs came with both sweat and tears. but you know what? a stress-free, full of passion life is something a wall of shoes can never compensate.

I see shoessssss! :) Your Dad did a great job on the shoe shelf! Also love your purse here! :)
looking pretty, pay :) and nasuya kos shoesss! sa pink and mustard and blue :)
see you BU4? :)
I envy the shoe rack!! been my frustration to have one :( nice of your dad!!
Your outfit and bag looks so cute!:) good luck with the project, btw!!:)
Ur shoes!!!:)
OMG! I love what you daddy did! So sweet of him gyud! Mine na some of your shoessssssssss! Hahaha!
wow lami-a og shoeseses wui!!! *jealous*
love your outfit by the way :)
omg I love your shoe shelves lady!!!
your pappa is a good man for building them, can't wait to hear about your exciting project!
Wow! Great shoe collection! Thanks for sharing! :)
aww love the bag!:)
Such a cute outfit!! And you did a very nice job organizing your shoes there <3 btw I love your turquoise ring!!!
te ang payat mo na! ano ginawa mo? share naman your diet or exercise routines? havent hopped on your blog for half a year, i think. thus the major gulat factor! :)
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