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10 May 2011

mondays all throughout the week

poor Monday. everybody hates it. it's not as if Monday did anything to us. it's just coincidentally situated after a weekend and is just a strong reminder that we have to go back to work or school. i don't know when i've ever been excited for a Monday. maybe in college when i couldn't wait to see my crush.

lately though, i've been having Mondays all throughout the week. as i look back on my previous posts, this laziness and almost-lethargic state that i'm in started on Christmas break. not only have i been sick with my herniated disc acting up, i've been unmotivated to get off my bed. it definitely is not helpful for my suffering salary and work. i've been finding myself utterly confused about what to do with my life and whether i should be where i am. one thing i only know is how intent i am to marry Harry this year or by early next year. that's it and i'm lost with the rest of my life. i discussed this with Harry yesterday after visiting the doctor and he noted that i get like this every year. i pondered on it and realized that i do. i hate to admit it but with the slew of lazy days from Christmas break to summer gets me reflecting and over thinking about my things which leads to unhealthy realizations or nonsensical questions and doubts. gaaah, drama! so i'm soldiering on and just hope to get past August, where things usually start getting okay for me. *praying hard*

anyway, just got back from the doctor yesterday and had my MRI results read. as it turns out, i have a few (yes, not just one but 4) mild bulging discs on my spine which is causing me numbness and pain on my neck, arms and legs because these bulging discs pinch my spine. on my MRI, my spine looks like it has a few ridges because of the bulging discs. aside from that, my MRI showed that this bulging discs are also degenerating --- something that's not supposed to happen until i'm in my 60's. oh well, that's what i get for working night shifts for 5 years, sitting in front of the computer for hours on end and playing flag football for 4 years from sleepless nights.

white graphic tee - bangkok find
cream pleated trousers -
camel strappy heels - forever 21
camel braided belt -
fringe tassel earrings - DIY is on sale with selected items at 10% - 20% off! check it out now!

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Gessyl said...

Gizelle! it sounds so serious. good thing you have it checked up while you're still young.

love your shirt. where didja get that? :)

L.D. said...

"one thing i only know is how intent i am to marry Harry this year or by early next year"

OMG :3 :3 :3 :3 ;3 Kinikilig ako!!!!!

And also another OMG, please take care of yourself :(

Aileen Kim said...

awww, take care Gizelle! Hope everything would turn out alryt. I'd give you a hug if i could so just take a virtual one it? ok! And don't worry about those bouts of confusion you're having these sure it would just be a prologue of something really awesome that's about to happen...Cheerios friend!


Where did you buy your shirt? I like it. I've been hating Mondays since I was a kid.


Take Care Giz and God bless you!

Tria Zaluska said...

lovely outfit! and get well soon!

Unknown said...

I hope you get better soon! :)

I'm happy for you and Harry! :D

Wella Daynne said...

Just the perfect outfit for a lazy Monday.:)

Wella ♥

Jo - Lost in the Haze said...

Thank you thank you thank you! I'm so glad you like my blog - because yours is adorraaabllee! And you are so pretty! I'm following now!


Anonymous said...

oh Gizelle! im so happy for you and Harry! pwede iinvite nako ako self? HAHA! i hope im already back in town when the wedding bells ring! :)

my dad has the same problem too Gizelle. we found out about it just last year. you take care now ;)

Amélie said...

Love this outfit!

herecomesthesun said...

Those earrings are amazing. Awesome to see you made them yourself as well!

Becky Tjandera said...

Nice outfit! And yay for the shirt ;)

mestizay said...

I love your shoes! followed you!

Lynzy said...

Ha! I love your t-shirt! So perfect for a Monday :)

xo Lynzy

fashioneggpplant said...

oh, i hope things work out for your back, that sounds painful and dangerous. on a lighter note, i love your shirt :)

Cherie said...

i hope you get well soon pretty gizelle! I kinda actually mondays and yeah, poor monday really :)

i totally get your sentiment on confusion as to what to do with one's life because i'm having the same phase too!

Isabeau Jane said...

oooh love the tassle earings! hmmm will make my own! looks fun!

gah! save me from monday

Vera said...

haha aw, this is really cute.
the trousers are my favourite :)

Unknown said...

love this outfit! :) check out my blog for some +vibes & happiness!XOX

Kara said...

I love that shirt girl!! haha. You look so cute! And thanks for your sweet comment on my latest blog! That means so much!! :)


Jenny said...

Your shirt is just the BEST! I think I would wear it every Monday if I had it. And you styled this outfit just wonderfully with the high waisted pants. Also, I hope you are feeling better! Sending good thoughts your way :-) xx

El said...

Hi girl! I love this outfit! Your blog is awesome :)

classy & fabulous


lyka raagas said...

u better get well pay. di mgsakit2x ang likod ig paso sa aisle. hheehe di bya na pwede ilisdan. hehe

Burning Skies said...

Mondays are really urgh days. I hope your back gets better! My lower back becomes painful too after sitting too long in the office. It helps to walk around even for a few mins. :)

misslikey said...

don't worry. when something is wrong with our health, it's our body that alarm us that we should change something in our lifestyle. We all should pay more attention to this signals. And yes for me also this time of year is a right time for nonsense analysis and exhausting thinking. Take care! You look wonderful

Hazel☺ said...

omygosh. the results sounds scary... :| take care gizelle!

Noelle Chantal said...

Hi, Gizelle! Its been a while. By the way, same here, I super hate Mondays too hehe. But, I super love your shirt, hehe. Nice pairing with that trousers and fringe earring, very pretty colours! :)

Unknown said...

I hope you're feeling better! You look so fly as usual, those earrings are to die for!

Anonymous said...

Hahah i love your tshirt:)

and I like these photos, esp. on the second one you look so happy.


lovely blog!
maybe we could follow each other?

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