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25 April 2010

take me back to the eighties

found this top 2 weeks ago on one of my thrifting trips with my mom and sister. my sister eyed me like she usually does which meant she's thinking that i'm weird again. haha! the red skirt i was wearing on the volume 3 ocean series post in imperial palace was also bought on that same, did my sister think i was crazy for buying it --- it was actually floor length long and i just asked my dad to trim it. she trusts that it will be good though, she's just a bit skeptical..hehe. that's what i love about buying unexpected things -- i love the look my sister's give when they find that the 'weird' item i bought actually looks good. anyway, this shirt reminds me of barbie because it's malibu barbie pink and it gives an eighties vibe which i love more. 

on another note, isn't the quarter life crisis only supposed to happen on our early twenties? is 25, technically 26 years old, still early? because i am finding myself lost in the midst of everything again. i get intervals at work staring at my computer screen and thinking to myself, "this is not what i want to do for the rest of my life..." damn. but then the next day, when i get busy and hyped up with work, i'd realize that i can bear working in this industry, just that i am not loving having to wake up at a specific time e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. it then becomes a cycle --- staring blankly at my PC then the realization, and it goes on. what do i want to do anyway? i am in constant fear that i may be just wasting my life. do you get that same fear too? or is it just me? 

printed top - thrifted
black leggings - random
black peep-toe booties - celine (a gift from harry!)
long watch necklace - hongkong gift shop
pink polka bangles - DIY by my sister from scraps of cloth
blue sunnies - thrifted at manalili

Follow vanilla ice cream


Anonymous said...

Loving the top!
Molly x

Unknown said...

You look absolutely darling in your first photo! All photos actually but my fave has to be the first and last :D I went thrifting today in hopes of finding something interesting. Ended up buying a dresser! LOL

Anyway, i know what you mean about feeling like you should be doing other things. What are your passions? I see that you have a total passion for fashion and you seem like you could be a creative artist of some sort :) i often wonder myself why I am doing what I'm doing (I'm a book keeper at a finance firm) and my passions are definitely not math. My passions are more toward the creative side, with writing and editing and stuff. But life has its course... maybe we are all preparing for something bigger? I always try to keep a hopeful mind :)

I wish you luck with your dreams :D You are not alone, that is for sure! :)

Isabeau Jane said...

ur dad is so nice to oblige on your kikay requests.. i wish my mom were easy to coax ehehehe

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty much 26 too and feeling the same. Like right now, I'm at work (administrative assistant) but blogsurfin', as I do everyday. I don't wanna be here, so in a few months I'm moving back home to study again. Arts, or multimedia etc. Coz that's where I think I'll enjoy more.
What job do you do? And what would be your dream job? It's never too late to change!
Ps - you look super cute! ;)

Camryn said...

I'm going to be a college senior this June, and I've been asking myself the same question. I'm majoring in Literature, but I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life...

On a different note, how do you manage to find such great stuff at thrift stores? :)

E said...

you look fantastic! that printed top is amazing!

Nathalie Kartika Putri said...

your top is sooooo cool!!
nice photos
check out my latest post :)

XD nathalie

girltribalmunky said...

this happens to me always...days that are bad so thinking about resigning but on the next day enjoying work again :)

been following this blog...cute outfits :)

Adonia said...

;) I'm only 24, but my boyfriend is always teasing me that I'm just a year away from my 25-year crisis. Although he can not inform me on what that exactly includes! I'm changing my life a bit at this point, so maybe I won't pass that crisis at all! I'm quitting my old job, and I'm moving from Greece back to Netherlands. Start studying architecture in September!
Wish you a lot of luck with your quest of finding yourself. As I see it, that never stops! So hope you find something you love doing.
p.s. Why don't you do some singing? Look if a local band needs you, get some lessons...

Sher said...

Oh, I adore the top, I can't believe you found it on a thrifting spree:)

Very Malibu Barbie too!


Eri said...

Hi there,

I just came across your blog and I really enjoyed it, it's very cool!

Please have a look at my blog too!

I hope to see you soon.

julianne. said...

that is top is ridiculuosly amazing.

Raez said...

love this, you look great in that colour!

xx raez

Tuesdai Noelle said...

Hey Gizelle,

...I feel life just comes in seasons, meaning series of events are form in that moment to make you what you are to become. Some are for keeps while others are only temp. I'm 27 and refuse to BE fatigued more than my mind wants to venture into doing so. I'm not mad at much. Most of what I do on a daily basis, from my business to the smallest thing as bloggin', I see it as moments passing. I try something out (project) and sees how it goes, if all is well, I'm good...tho if not, I move on. It's funny, but I feel i'm getting old ha...i don't mind. One day soon (this year) I plan on opening my own purse boutique (along with other accessories).....things are going going going....but moving, so that cool enough for me.

We all have our" UGH, awh whatever days" even weeks if we're not careful...but somehow (i don't know how) there's always a hunch to get us moving and pumped just to see what's going to happen for the next.

Have a fab day :)

Analisa said...

You look so much like someone I know in these pictures, it's crazy haha, I can't believe you're 15. I love your sunglasses and top!

Unknown said...

great top hun!!

i get the same way, but about the classes i'm taking at school. but i figure that i'm so far into it (i only have two more semesters) that it's too late to change anything now without shelling out more $$$$ that i don't have. i hope you do find your way. i know it's really hard but we all find our way some day.

Jen said...

I'm 24 and often think I'm in the midst of a career crisis. I have moments just like you, where I stare at my screen and think 'this is not me'. But it doesn't matter - this is what we're doing now, and we have our whole lives to decide what to do next. Don't sweat it honey - we'll be okay! :) xxx

PS - you look darling today. Love your smile! xx

Jennifer Fabulous said...

That top is seriously the coolest thing EVER! You're so adorable in these photos! xoxo


YOU ARE SO ADORABLE. That shirt is awesome - I love the assymetrical pattern. (don't worry - my sister ALWAYS eyes my purchases too!).

And I definitely know what you mean about the OH MY GOSH IM WASTING MY LIFE notion. I mean, I'm only sixteen and I'm already getting it... :/ I am so going to have a major midlife crisis by the time I'm 20, oh dearrrr...

kay ann parra said...

hi!...i am also encountering quarter life crisis but at my age of 23??? that's too early for me...hahaha... i get the same feeling of loving my work one day then hating it the next day. I don't know if i should shift careers or pursue what I have worked for during college...

I know in time we'll know our places here. =)

guildedsecret. said...

the first photo is just CHEERFUL! i really love your blog because you are so real and personal. i know how you're feeling about your pseudo-quarter life crisis. we always feel like we're out of control, but once we realize that we truly are everything will fall into place.


Anonymous said...

i've been asking myself the same Q, Gizelle.
And you know what's worst? being 25 and still unemployed. i am basically living off my dad's paycheck. pathetic, i know. they've (dad and nurse aunts) been encouraging me to take my masters but i dunno. 26 and still studying? what the H.

can i apply nlng sa inyong company? hihi! ;)

love the outfit! and that pink is my kind of pink! ;)

Anonymous said...

love top,and your pic in here you look so fun :)
so enjoy your day.

Rianna said...

great pics, the outfit looks fab, the shoes are sooo pretty.
i know what u mean about the staring at your computer screen thinking that, I think one day everything just naturally brings itself together, an incident will happen that changes everything!
Rianna xxx

Jing Ocay said...

oh! the top, gizelle,i like!sexy mo dai! ang cute din ng poses mo.pangmodel!why not. :)

michelle_ said...

its one of my faves actually :)
how many raybans do you have ? i feel like im seeing a different colored one everyday...

enjoy your upcoming week !
glisters and blisters

Mode Junkie said...

love the peep toe ankle booties babe! and i super agree. i love buying weird things too! ;)


Kayla said...

80's or not. the first is fabulous!

Melai said...

Hi gizelle! I love your whole outfit here. Love your shoes!

Come and shop in my store! Hehe.

I love the items too. I don't exactly know how I'm able to do it. Everytime, I've always wanted to keep the items as well. But at the end of the day, I let the entrepreneur in me take over, I look at my closet and think things through. Syempre kailangan sellable kasi pag yung di ko gusto yung ibenta ko, baka hindi rin mabenta sa iba. So ayun :)

It hurts everytime, but I always hope to find something similar nalang!

Elina said...

I love your style! you are beautiful :)

KV said...

Rad heels ;)

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