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11 March 2010

the 'barla' incident

photos (from top clockwise): me, the barlas, mom and gianne frances, me and my cousins - cookie and lilac, mom and dad, my robot necklace

family will always come first for me. when all else fails and the rest of the world abandons me, i can count on my family to be right behind -- waiting to catch me. 
last sunday was the christening of my cousin's baby girl -- gianne frances. and i was one of her godmothers. that means more gifts to buy by christmas...haha! i was happy to have spent time with my cousins, especially my favorite cousin, lilac (on the 3rd picture). our age difference is almost 15 years but we just think alike. they call us 'the barlas' after this long, black and bony fish.  
 why barla? well, every holy week, we go home to our province in zamboanga del norte and spend time at my grandparent's house. we take care of the easter breakfast for the church and the 'carro' of jesus on his resurrection. while in there, we mostly eat fish for fasting. our late lola (grandma) used to buy this fish called 'diwit' which is so yummy. the 'diwit' is a long and flat fish. one summer, my cousin and i volunteered to shop at the market for dinner. we were so excited to have found 'diwit' at such a cheap price -- P60 per kilo. we immediately bought it and were so proud of ourselves. we even bought sweet mangoes for dessert. when we got home, we were scolded by our moms because what we bought is not 'diwit' but barla! they look the same -- same shape and length but the barla has almost black scales. the barla is sooo bony that we can barely eat any meat on it. we became the laughing stock of the whole holy week and our relatives couldn't stop joking about it. LOL.

what about you? tell me of a family blooper you experienced.

striped dress - thrifted | long navy blue top - thrifted | suede belt - big sister's | 
suede brown wedges with rhinestone details - celine (mom's gift) | faux monogram bag - thrifted | robot long necklace - APM | bangles - gifts

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Follow vanilla ice cream


Leah said...

Love the striped dress... and you have a beautiful family.

At least you tried about the barla... though I have no idea what it looks like.

Have a great day! xoxo

kate maggie said...

What a gorgeous family. These photos are so darling. You look great! x Love your dress

Vera said...

aw this is beautiful :) family is important to me as well. cute story about the fish haha, i've done soo many embarrassing things like that. way too many to list! :)


Aw, Love it!
I've awarded you on my blog <3

xx, Melissa

E said...

guess what? I have the same robot necklace too! lol! but mine's missing one leg :(

super cute dress you're wearing there!


Definitely true. My family drives me the most insane, but they're always there! Your family is insanely adoarble (like you!)

LOVELOVELOVVVVE that necklace. Can I have it? Okay, thanks girl!


guildedsecret. said...

this is the most heartfelt dedication i've ever read about someone's family. your love for your family sounds like a wonderful set of individuals. your smiles are all so beautiful and genuine :)

i also really appreciate your dedication to your religious beliefs. it's beautiful to see that this day in age. lovely post all together.


::post script::
my favorite family blooper is when my sister and i were trying to pop the cork of a cider bottle... the cork flew all the way up to the ceiling, bounced off of a wall and across our laps. it was so hilarious we still joke about it today... 8 years later!

UnoCosa said...

so very lovely!!! what a great time w/ family, xx

Nadia said...

love your look! and your family looks cute!:)

deanne said...

paypims. love your accessories ^_^
gusto ko mo buy pud. where ko maka buy sa cebu mga long necklace? :)

Jing Ocay said...

gahulat jud ko pirmi sa imu thrifted items, gurl!
this dress is nice. I love stripes.

Sher said...

Aww, your necklace is really the cutest, hun:)


DIANA said...

Am so glad you had fun! I really am so happy for you! and spending time with family is the best
Thing ever! I love when we all have a good laugh and
Plenty smiles hahahaha!

I really love your necklace it a bit star wars mixed with innocence like a kids toy it’s something sci-fi and I love it.
I like to think robots could be our friends 2 ahhahahahah!

I love this post soooo much just amazing!

Marta said...

what a cute baby!!!!!! :D

i love family meetings as well - i'm so attached to them and i can't imagine life without my parents and younger brother.

besides, you look lovely :)

Audrey Allure said...

Love my family too, no matter how crazy or embarrassing they are! Haha

Lovely pictures & cute robot necklace :)

Jen said...

Your family are adorable... but I hope you don't mind if I say I love your robot necklace more! :D

j3nhow said...

lovely outfit!!!! and that baby is so cute!!

xoxo jenna

Unknown said...

cute outfit love the pearls (?) on your shoes, and what a lovely family you have!

Unknown said...

How cute is your family! And how amazing is that robot necklace!!!

Lorena said...

Haha I love your robot necklace, so fun and cute!

Great story, it's always interesting to hear about where people got their nicknames!

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