the lipstick effect is the theory that in time of economic crisis, women are more likely to buy beauty products to make them more attractive to mates. raise your hand if you're guilty!
for me though, it's not so much as being more attractive to mates because i already have the guy i want but it's really more about feeling better about myself. so yeah, guilty as charged, my red and pink lipsticks have been slightly overused these days. oh the life of a start-up freelancer.
(i wanna hashtag "everythingwillpayoff" but remembered this is blogger. LOL).
wish i could pull off flaming red lipstick like you, Gizelle! love your sunnies!
Your lips and necklace "rhymed" :D
cutee :3 love the pink nails
I can relate to this post,
I'm not also a make up person but am also
into lipsticks right now, it's
brings you instant ganda kasi hihi
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