have i ever told you guys that i have this great fear of flying? in general, i have this great fear of heights. being in a plane that is thousands of miles up in the air (i actually don't know if i got the numbers right) just makes me very uncomfortable. yes, travelling by air is quicker and saves you tons of time but just thinking of the entire vessel suddenly falling just scares the bejeezus out of me. i mean, i know how to swim so if a ship sinks, i can try to survive. but if a plane falls, i wouldn't know what to do! okay so i'm being morbid and i have to stop myself.
anyway, i had to face my fear of flying for the Bloggers United 4 event and i couldn't be happier that i had my two sisters to accompany me. also if it weren't for joseph gordon levitt's funny performance on SNL, i wouldn't have survived the flight. December began with a typhoon and after that, it was raining intermittently all throughout the month. so on the day of our flight, we had grey skies and the dreaded turbulence. to top it all off, we had the worst landing of all time --- literally, our butts flew a feet from our seats when we hit the ground. kudos to the pilot -- not!

such a gorgeous skirt! love the print! glad i saw you guys again!!
love the skirt! :)
love the pleated skirt!!! :)
gorgeous skirt Giselle! :)
i apologise for being so late in greeting you a happy christmas and lovely new year and of course congratulations...best wishes to you guys.i kinda got lazy with my blogs because either im always at work or always in bed during offdays or travelling. you are definitely the boho chic(not really sure if its right with spelling,i dont know wot fashion its called lol)... but as fashion changes, ive always like your get up because u never become a fashion victim being stirred to wots new and joined the bandwagon. you have your style and i love it. you very unlike other bloggers who almost sometimes strip themselves naked to be called sexy or sensual looking...you always make it look very easy and comfortable which makes you elegant and nice to look at, not a trying hard im-in-with-latest-fashion or i will-show-a-lot-of-skin-and-photoshop-it-so-much-so-im-sexy-fake. you never try so hard and even if you dont show a lot of skin,which is you dont have to, you are still by far gorgeous and can pull off your style with hotness! xoxoxo -http://aalfeche.blogspot.com/
i didn't know you're afraid of heights. Daghana nimo'g dala pag BU4 gud. XD
good job overcoming your fear! your polka dot flats are so lovely :)
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