knit cardigan - thrifted | two-toned leggings - thrifted | flap booties - props | necklaces: elephant tusk - bangkok find, black stone with chain fringe - downtown find | work watch - swatch | sunnies - raybans, borrowed from sis
it finally rained the other day after days and days of oven-like heat. i swear every time i step inside my car when i get off work at 12:00 PM, i feel like i'm being baked like a rack of lamb. it's just hot all over, even on my face and it doesn't help that the drive from my workplace to home takes approximately 30 minutes. oooh i wish i can apparate.
my apologies for being MIA for almost 2 weeks. it's just when our wholesale stocks arrive, i am responsible for 2 jobs -- my day job as a sales manager and my job managing our wholesale business with my sister. with the inventory that requires sorting and tagging of each item and the handling of customers, i just couldn't squeeze in the time to blog. my body aches all over and has been so for the past week but it's worth it. i love clothes -- from wearing it to selling it.
and while we're on the topic of our wholesale business, if you're from Cebu (or have plans of visiting Cebu in the next 2 weeks) and are interested in being a reseller (or you're just such a shopaholic that you want to buy 10 items or more), i can give you a wholesale price. big big discounts, i promise. *wink* just e-mail me at: gizellefay(at)yahoo(dot)com.

lovely sweater dress! xo
init gyud tinuod kaayo! :)
Very nice outfit, I like white clothes so much:-) You look pretty:-)
in this kind of weather I also wish for gray clouds! hihi. love your knit cardigan :)
Glad I stumbled on your blog! I enjoyed reading it—so full of inspiration! Following you!
Travel à la Mode
ps. you look fab!
Love the knit cardigan and the two-toned leggings too! So cute! :)
love the leggings. hay, mangukay ta please? haha.
Lurve the leggings! That's a big scoop. Where do you buy your thrifted clothes? Nice blog too btw. :)
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