filipinos are known for our hospitality and our take-life-as-it-comes attitude. we do with what we have and have always adapted to the changes in our lives. that is why, amidst poverty, we still have these big smiles on our faces. after all, life is too short, might as well live it right?
introducing the no. 1 mode of transportation here in the philippines -- the jeepney. the jeepney used to be old jeeps that the americans left in our country after world war II. to easily travel through the war-ridden roads, the filipinos stripped down these jeeps to accommodate more passengers, added tin roofs and decorations in vibrant colors. when i was a student, i rode the jeep everyday and to wherever i need to go. with student allowance, it was much better to use our money on food and fun rather than spend them on taxi fares. as a kid, i was always so amazed at how the driver can drive the jeep, take the fare from the passengers and give them change, all while watching the road. i used to love riding jeepneys on peaceful afternoons -- where everyone is at work or in school. the roads were open and the wind was on my face. jeepney bonding was great too -- just laughing it off with classmates while in traffic. i have to admit though that i am not a big fan of some jeepney drivers who speed up and just pop out of nowhere nor riding jeepneys during peak hours like 7:00 - 8:00 AM or 5:00 - 7:00 PM as these times can be a nightmare. despite these setbacks, i am still proud that once upon a time, filipinos were given lemons and made lemonade -- or in this case, we were given used american jeepneys and made a great mode of transportation.
ps. i might take a little blogging break because i think i have dislocated my right shoulder blade. it has been hurting for a month and the pain has now reached my arm so i have a hard time moving the mouse. for the past few weeks, i've only wanted to just lie down and watch tv instead of blog and i think that would be unfair to my readers if i don't say why i've been slacking off. i will make sure to read your comments though. let's just hope that after my check-up with the orthopedic tomorrow, all's well with my shoulder and arm. i'll miss you guys!
pink cotton shirt - props
floral skirt - thrifted
tan flats with a bow - parisian
canvas bag with tan leather detail - plains and prints
owl necklace - thrifted at carbon
wooden bangles - props | faux gold bangles - thrifted at carbon
tan headband - sm dept store
brown sunnies - thrifted at carbon

jeepney just like tuk-tuk at thailand.hehe.
love your photos posing with jeepney and cute outfit too!
and wish u get well back as usual ^_^
you look great in hot pink giselle !
thanks for your entry in my We Love Colors tights giveaway
oh dear.. hope you get well soon! :D
aaahh!! i miss the jeepneys back home!! i used to ride them all the time!! :D awesome photos! :D
wow nice shoes!I love parisian Jr. as in love!love!love! I love that they have a wide range of flat shoes, sandas, and heels!
I hope you'll follow my blog too!:)
You look pretty in pink!
this is like tempo in my country hehehe anyways hope you feel better i know how much it hurts cuz my mom has everlasting pain in her arms too
feel better <3
hope u'll get well soon :)
jeepney is so cool,,
I just know this,,,
coz there is no jeepney in indonesia :D
hve a nice day :)
sorry to hear about your arm, hope you recover soon! you look gorgeous, love your skirt!
get well soon dear ^=^
i love the colorful outfit esp. the skirt.
Omg how did you dislocate your shoulder?!?! I hope it's not too bad, get better soon:-))
I love your pics in the jeepney! It's always such a fun experience riding in one, especially in busy cities like Makati. Omg haha I don't know many Tagalog words but 'para' and 'bayad po' are some of the first i learnt there :p hahahaha
so nice to learn things from countries so far from mine!lovely colours in your pix!
Love this post and the jeepney! Thanks so much for your shopping tips, I love Ayala especially the shop there called Cocoon.
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during college days when I have to commute from TC to main for swim practice, i'd prefer to ride in old sarao 13B or 62C jeepneys or like the one pictured above than ride those isuzu elfs! i just want to ride not fly, you know! hahaha
love your dress! :)
That pink blouse looks so exquisite on you. It makes your face cheerful and bright. The colour is so good on you. Sorry to hear about your dislocated shoulder blade. Hope it heals soon. X
the flat seem so comfort..
love the pink blouse! it looks divine on you. sorry to hear about your shoulder. i hope you get well soon :)
aww hope you get better darling ^^
i too have a photo of me hanging from a jeepney lols..
but with the heat a jeepney ride becomes excruciating!
The ViXeN's LaiR
tsk tsk tsk...get well soon love...hope all the findings are fine...
I can't believe you just thrifted the owl necklace at carbon...makes me miss the old place in front of my school...tsk tsk tsk...I saw an exact item at the mall department store and cost a lot...hmmp...makes me want to thrift this weekend...
love the hot pink..gizelle!!!
take care
much love,
Love your outfit!! Pink looks good on you. Never heard about jeepneys before, but I would like to ride in one!
Soory to hear about your shoulder. Hope you'll get better soon.
That necklace is so cute! I am obsessed with anything that has owls on it.
Hey Gizelle :)
Jeenery? FIrs time I'm hearing it...seems cool. Cool colours :) Hope you feel better... I gave you a Chic Chick Blog Award :) Have a fab day :)
This is something I love about you your love for bright colors and they look amazing on you!!!
I wish I could say the same hahahaha!
Amazing post darling♥
that's really cool.
i'm loving the owl necklace :)
Hi honey, I love your positive attitude and am so sorry to hear about your injury. Please don't stay away too long as I shall miss you lots. xx
I miss jeepneys! I get crazy stares from people when I get one one thought so I usually dress super dowdy because Im always afraid of getting mugged.. lol. Ill be in Cebu very soon! You, me and Eden date!
Take care of that arm, we have some partying to do when I arrive! xxx
i love these shots of you posing with the jeepney! you look adorable in that outfit and it's so summery.
i love these posts where your love for your culture shoes through. :)
i want your skirt!! super cute :)
love, vdcouture
i love this deeply personal post... your "make lemonade" attitude truly shines through. in nigeria we have modes of transportation like that as well - crowded and hot but such an experience.
your bright and sunny outfit works perfectly with your jeepney ride! you look great in bright pink!
Cute outfit & great photos!
i love the little owl, awesome blog! keep it up xx
i love this skirt.
what a perfect summer outfit.<3
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